Antennas Direct Wants To Help Locast Customers

Thursday morning a lot of cord cutters got some very discouraging news from a company they thought was going to be their savior. Locast announced it was spending service immediately with no part to look forward to in the future. Are there other options?  Yes and no. There isn’t another way to just stream those channels right now but for those who have been using Locast in lieu of an antenna they have a great chance now.  Today, Antennas Direct and Mohu, the leading HDTV antenna providers, announced a 30% discount on their products for all customers, especially those affected by the Locast service suspension. The coupon code LOCAST30 is valid for TV antennas and accessories on or until September 13th.

Additionally, Antennas Direct is giving away a free ClearStream Eclipse antenna to the first 1,000 people who email with a screenshot or photo of the letter they received from Locast announcing its service suspension.

Antennas Direct and Mohu are focused on providing consumers with cutting-edge antennas that provide affordable, reliable access to free broadcast channels. With Locast suspending its service, this leaves many subscribers without the broadcast channels they’re used to viewing. Antennas Direct and Mohu hope to solve this disconnect for these cord-cutters.

“Unfortunately, the Locast ruling is yet another example of cord-cutting services creating huge headaches for consumers,” said Richard Schneider, CEO and founder of Antennas Direct. “We don’t want consumers to suffer or lose access to channels they’re used to viewing. HDTV antennas have always provided free access to broadcast networks and we hope to connect with any Locast subscribers to fill that viewing gap

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