FCC Looks To Redifine High Speed Broadband

FCC Chair, Jessica Rosenworcel is seeking to redefine the definition of high-speed Internet to reflect current capabilities. In an article from Next TV, The move will also look to make “affordability, adoption, availability, and equitable access” part of that definition.

Rosenworcel is proposing to increase the minimum definition of high-speed broadband availability from 25 Megabits per second for downloads and 3 Mbps for uploads to 100 Mbps/2 Mbps and setting its sights on speeds of 10 times that number.

The NOI proposes to increase the national broadband standard the FCC uses to determine broadband availability to 100/20, which is the baseline for new buildouts being funded by the Biden Administration’s infrastructure subsidies.

There was a time when 25 Megabits per second was an amazing rate, and truthfully one can operate on that level as long as Internet needs are not heavy, but as more of daily life as far as work and educational opportunities migrate online the minimal levels of connectivity for basic streaming is becoming a poor measure of need.


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