Amazon’s New Free Video App Freevee

What is Freevee? The app from Amazon has started appearing on different t platforms in the streaming world and caused some confusion among users. The app is an update on IMDB TV. You might even note it is called Freevee “Powered by IMDB TV. Why the name change? Probably because FreeVee has Free in the title. It’s like Free Video and View in one nonsense word. And nothing says we are a streaming service like a nonsense word, though this new name does avoid the four-letter naming convention found with many streaming services. One has to wonder if FreeVid was not available or something. Either way, the yellow and purple icon catches your eye right away.

Once you actually launch the app though, you will see that it looks like a standard free video app. In fact, at the moment, the new icon’s colors are not reflected within the app itself at all. The interface is not yellow or purple. The selection is robust for a free app and looks like it will continue to be a part of Amazon’s rotation of titles that move between free services and its paid Amazon Prime Video app. Freevee also has some exclusive streaming titles as well as Amazon Original series. Check out our video overview below for more information.

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