F2V TV Removing All OTA Channels

Free 2 View TV, better known as F2V TV will be removing all links to content from over-the-air channels due to concerns over the source of the material. The app, which was designed with the intention of pointing viewers towards free and legal access to content has been a popular option on multiple platforms to provide access to a number of channels that would have otherwise been unavailable to those who rely primarily on streaming for their TV entertainment.

App operator Georges Brunet came to the decision after receiving an official takedown notice from broadcaster Weigel Broadcasting asking him to take down links to channels that were distributed by the company. Brunet said he took them down immediately as he never had an intention to violate any kind of rights issue with Weigel Broadcasting or any other entity.

“The Free2View TV Project will always comply with takedown requests should we unintentionally violate distribution agreements,” Brunet said. Free2View TV was created as a hub for what’s already available legally for free. It’s not intended to replace any existing apps or places online, like TV channels streaming their channels online. But as a means to have an all-in-one place to conveniently access the same channels from various places.

F2V has never had access to major network channels or premium cable channels like some of the more nefarious apps that have shown up over the years, instead, it operates as an aggregator that helps new cord-cutters especially find content to enjoy. There are so many free and legal sources for TV out there, and many of them do not even have TV apps meaning that they have to be accessed on a computer or mobile device otherwise. This is likely what has driven the popularity of the app which recently launched a second Roku Channel listing of streaming. Brunet expects to continue to offer both Roku channels going forward provided that there are enough non-problematic resources. In the meantime, Brunet encourages cord-cutters to explore the capabilities of antennas to receive over-the-air signals where it is a reliable option.

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