Well, it should not come as a big surprise to find out that streaming TV has been popular way to pass the time while people have been under

quarantine, but wow what a difference a month has made for what’s now the big four premium streaming services. New numbers that came to the Streaming Advisor by way of JustWatch show that the amount of streaming since we have been isolating ourselves has been massive. Netflix has seen the biggest uptick in streaming use but none of the major pay services saw a spike of less than 250%. That has got to be good for bottom lines across the industry. Disney+, which has been criticized on forums for being too kid centered, has seen a use increase of 290 percent since March 17th. I guess if you are home with children it’s not so bad to have the largest library of Disney movies available in one click. And for those with Disney+ and Netflix the family can work their way through the entire Star Wars and Avengers story from front to back or back to front depending on what order you choose to approach them.
It should be noted that Disney owns both Disney+ and Hulu. This means Disney had a combined 549% increase of its streaming audience. You can venture a guess that ESPN+ has seen an increase in interest as people turn to archived content like its huge collection of 30 for 30 films. Eventually the service will also be home to other content like the Last Dance. See a chart below of the increases internationally.