Sign ups for AT&T TV have started for select customers. Potential viewers in Orange and Riverside in California; West Palm Beach in Florida; Topeka and Wichita, Kansas; St. Louis and Springfield in Missouri; and Corpus Christi, El Paso and Odessa in Texas can start signing up for AT&T’s streaming service aimed at replacing the familiar satelliteĀ delivered DirecTV service. While AT&T is not walking away from the dishes, it seems to be positioning itself for a 5G and more future by having Internet delivered services ready to roll once new standards move in.
Why are the service sign ups only being offered in 10 places at the moment?
While AT&T will offer the AT&T TV service everywhere eventually, our guess is that It wants to avoid their system being overly burdened early. The last thing the company needs is multiple reports that the service crashed during some big event like the kinds of debacles seen with Game Of Thrones on HBO Go and such. It looks like the The new Warner Media company learns from its own mistakes.
Source: Fierce Video