Commenting Is Being Curtailed At YouTube

YouTube is changing its policy on commenting, at least for certain kinds of videos. The company has adding new restrictions concerning videos that feature minors. This has come about due to the lack of class shown by some of the commenters themselves when regarding underaged children online. The fact that YouTube has even had to take such measure is pretty sad. While there is definitely a need for responsibility on the side of parents and family when it comes to whether videos of children are posted online, users should not have to fear for the safety of their kids every time there is a piano recital or spelling bee.

Along with limiting or eliminating comments on videos YouTube will also heavily monitor videos that it deems exempted from the new practice. This will allow the service to remove comments that can be seen as harmful.

You The creators can also take action by simply turning off comments on videos if you see the conversation going in a dangerous direction. Don’t let kids get exploited simply because of views based on interaction. There are sickos everywhere and its not the whole world’s fault that they exist, but we all have to be vigilant in how we react to them.

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