Hulu Refuses To Run Pro Choice Ads Faces Boycott By Dems

Hulu on Smart TV

Hulu is facing a Twitter war with Democratic party political groups who are angry with the company for refusing to run political ads concerning abortion rights and other issues. Next TV reports the groups said that on July 15, they jointly attempted to buy time for commercial spots that pertained to hot-button issues including abortion, gun control and climate change. The ads had already been accepted by Facebook, YouTube, and Roku Channel, but Disney — which controls joint-venture streaming service Hulu — rejected them.

A collective statement from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Democratic Governors Association said, “Hulu’s censorship of the truth is outrageous, offensive, and another step down a dangerous path for our country.”

For all the talk of the #BoycotHulu hashtag on Twitter there seems to be an interesting trend. Many of the posts seem to be supportive of not having them. They are not in favor of Abortion or against it, but simply expressing relief that at least one set of angry political ads won’t grace their screens while they are trying to watch their shows.


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