Netflix Is Curb Stomping The Competition

Some of you will read this and say that you canceled Netflix for one reason or another. But I don’t think Netflix noticed. I’ve never subscribed to the idea of the “Streaming Wars” but if there is one, Netflix is winning it going away.

The companies that thought they could build services around a few shows they pulled from Netflix and pilling everything else they ever made or owned lost the bet. Sure. They all have some subscribers. And maybe it is all working out for them in the long run, but Nobody, not even Disney+ or Amazon have as many video subs as Netflix. And it’s debatable how many of Amazon Prime’s customers even watch its video content. If you consider all of Disney’s services ESPN+, Hulu, and Disney+ as separate subscriptions they come closer.

But here is the thing. It’s not just about the numbers. A few years ago the narrative was “_____” is pulling its content from Netflix. The commentariat wondered if Netflix could handle the loss of Friends, or The Office under the common misconception that those shows were carrying Netflix as opposed to those shows becoming revival hits thanks to Netflix.

And now they are starting to crawl back. Warner Brothers Discovery for all its glitz and glamor has been selling its content back to Netflix like it’s 2010 again. Shoot, a good chunk of their stuff is on Amazon too. Why? Because it turns out that if you depend completely on you need a huge volume of subscribers to make it work. And most don’t come close. Disney is not even immune to this. Sure at the moment Bob Iger says that Disney will not make deals to put Star Wars, Pixar, and Marvel content on the big red machine, but just give it time.

Consumers do not want multiple streaming services. They keep saying so by not signing up and canceling services. Sony bowed out when it sold Crackle a few years ago and signed a deal with Netflix for its content. Currently Universal and Paramount content are hanging with their cooperate homes, but Peacock has Netflix to think for the interest in Suits. Another decade-old show that was not thought about since Prince Harry of the UK married an actress featured on the dramedy. It dropped on Netflix during the actors and writers strike and all of a sudden it was more popular than it was when it aired. Now there is real talk about a revival.

Big studios and media conglomerates may think they wear the crown in the entertainment industry but its becoming very clear that its Netflix that owns the mold.

1 thought on “Netflix Is Curb Stomping The Competition

  1. Seems like all the disparate streaming apps are consolidating and combining together. I didn’t like that idea when it was called “cable tv” and I don’t like it now.

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