New Plex Channel For Roku Adds Channels

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The New Plex Channel for Roku, which is still in preview stage is starting to incorporate Plex’s community supported channels. The channels have always been a part of the popularity of the app and were missed when Plex rolled out the facelift months ago. We were very excited to take a look at the new layout and

Break on the Plex preview is bright and cheerful as a comedy channel should be.
Break on the Plex preview is bright and cheerful as a comedy channel should be.

can report a crisp new interface for each new channel. In many cases fan art has been skillfully integrate giving the channels a feel reminiscent of Kodi/XBMC.

New Features
Many of the channels have a background that reflects the personality or branding of the representative channel. In many cases the art in the background will adjust as you skip through menus.

Still Missing
There is not a way to add channels via the app. The older Roku channel does provide that option so we hope we will see it in the future. While in reality the channels don’t work without a computer server to back them in the first place it would be convenient for users if there were an on screen interface.

See Plex Channels on  The New App

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