Next Gen Streaming On Display

Varnish Software, a leader in caching, streaming and content delivery software solutions, today announced the Next-Gen Content Delivery LIVE! World Tour, an exclusive global event series focused on live discussions and demonstrations, to help content providers and CSPs achieve their growth potential by supporting new emerging use cases in the fast-growing streaming market as part of the $50B CDN global economy. The tour will launch at IBC2022 on September 10, 2022, in Amsterdam, the first of eight stops worldwide.

“Organizations of all sizes are struggling to support new emerging use cases due to limitations in content delivery solutions, unpredictable costs and legacy infrastructure,” said Adrian J. Herrera, Chief Marketing Officer at Varnish Software. “These are business challenges as much as they are technological challenges. Our goal with Next-Gen Content Delivery LIVE! is to create a forum to discuss how to achieve growth with a live demonstration of deploying scalable content delivery solutions in any location – on-prem, in cloud – or as a supplement to a commercial CDN.”

“Content delivery is a business and technology issue,” said Tilly Gilbert, Principal Consultant & Edge Practice Lead at telecoms, media and technology consultancy STL Partners. “The World Tour about Live streaming will focus on what’s involved in scaling content delivery operations to reach vast audiences and how service providers can take advantage of this massive growth.”

The Next-Gen Content Delivery LIVE! World Tour 2022 is co-sponsored by Intel and the first three stops will be moderated by STL Partners, an analyst firm focused on helping Telcos and Service Providers innovate, grow, and stay ahead of their competition. They will share market insight into emerging use cases and growth potential

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