Why HBO May Be Back On Dish And Sling TV Soon

AT&T and Dish have been involved in a disagreement over pricing and carriage of the premium channel HBO on both Dish Network and the streaming option Sling TV. The disagreement has caused Dish and Sling TV customers to lose access to HBO as a premium channel option after having access to its programming for the last few years. But some new developments may just work out in Dish’s favor.

Other companies are dropping Cinemax. Comcast and other TV providers have begun to drop HBO’s sister channel from their lineups in favor of in house products and cost savings. This can’t make AT&T too happy. Sling TV and Dish Network carried both channels until the current bad feelings arose providing both live channels and the ability to access on demand content.

Dish Network should reach out and see if AT&T would look kindly on the company if it carries Cinemax. If Dish proves to be one of the major distributors that is willing to keep Cinemax on board as part of its lineup it could very well be an act of goodwill that could thaw the current Cold War between to two companies.

We must note, there has been no published reports or statements on this matter, so this is only speculation on our part.

The Streaming Advisor will continue to monitor this story.

3 thoughts on “Why HBO May Be Back On Dish And Sling TV Soon

    1. The idea behind the article is that Dish can get back into Warner’s good graces by carrying Cinemax, unlike others who have dropped the channel. So yes.

  1. Well, let’s see…it has been a year since this article and still no HBO or Cinemax.. Yet the pricing discounts for losing these channels have also expired. Unless there is a merger soon between the 2 companies, all hope is lost. The only reason I still have dish is I have a sick family member who likes Dish if it weren’t for that reason I would have gotten rid of this long ago.

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