Hulu Partners With Time Warner New TV Service Gets Channels

Well it happened cord cutters. Time Warner has bought into Hulu. The cord cutting community nearly melted down at the talk of the company that owns Time Warner Cable, which is now merging with Comcast. A ten percent stake in Hulu comes along with a group of Time Warner’s most popular TV properties being placed on Hulu’s upcoming live TV service, those being TBS, TNT, CNN, Cartoon Network and Turner Classic Movies. Those channels ensure that Hulu will be able to offer at least 6 channels. Hulu’s existing partnerships for streaming rights will likely grease the wheels for the service to be able to offer a decently robust offering when the time comes.

Hulu may have shown its cards in this game. The company that is itself a partnership between Disney, Newscorp and Comcast, could have some leverage to grow its offering much in the same way that Dish has been able to parlay deals on its legacy offering into access for Sling TV giving it access to HBO and more recently Viacom properties. It never hurts to have a friend at the negotiation table.


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