Master Class Offering Lessons From Youtube Master

June 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — MasterClass, the streaming platform where anyone can learn from the world’s best across a wide range of subjects, today announced that Marques Brownlee is joining Sessions by MasterClass, a structured, 30-day curriculum where members learn meaningful skills through hands-on experience, step-by-step demonstration and an engaged community. From ideation to filming, lighting and performing for the camera, Brownlee’s session will teach members how to create engaging videos that connect with their viewers on any platform. Enrollment for Brownlee’s session is available starting today; the class goes live on June 10.

“With over 15 million followers and 3 billion views, Marques’ reviews and tutorials have awarded him the title Creator of the Decade,” said David Rogier, founder and CEO of MasterClass. “Whether members want to learn video creation as a side hustle or up the quality of their existing videos, this session will give them the tools to create engaging content. Marques demos equipment options for every budget and skill level, creating sample videos to guide members along the way.”

MasterClass members will be able to follow Brownlee’s process on producing epic videos, from idea to execution, and complete hands-on assignments. The session is broken down into five sections:

  • Starting Your Process: After a brief recap of his career making videos, Brownlee will guide members through how to pick their next video idea and complete the preproduction planning.


  • Creating the Best Videos: Members will practice the tactical skills they will need to produce high-class videos, including lighting techniques, framing and composition.


  • Connecting With Your Audience: Brownlee will teach members how to create content that engages their audience. They will practice finding ideal eyelines, learn how to utilize microphones and capture on-camera performances.


  • Creating Better Visuals: Members will discover how to source and incorporate stock footage to further tell their story and shoot sample B-roll. Then they will learn the basic editing skills needed to bring visuals to life in their videos.
  • Packaging Your Videos: Brownlee will provide pro tips on choosing titles and thumbnails that pull in viewers. Members will walk away from this section with a final packaged video that is ready to post to any platform
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