What Happened To Terrarium TV

What happened to Terrarium TV? It appears the developer of Terrarium TV, an app that provided links to copyrighted content, has called it quits following a number of other developers in the pirating community. The Facebook community for the app still advertises the app yet the link directly to the developer’s web page shows a message “terrariumtv.com’s server DNS address could not be found”.

This is what visitors to the TerrariumTV Website will find as of now.

This should come as no great surprise as sources close to the development community have told me candidly that many enthusiasts who have been developing add-ons and APK’s have been getting nervous in the face of stepped up pressure from studio organizations. Some of the people behind various apps and websites have received a notice to take down their sites and apps. Others are beginning to see the writing on the wall and realize that they could be the next TV Addons. TV Addons, a group of Kodi third-party developers is in the midst of two lawsuits in two countries.

The Terrarium disappearing act is not limited to its website. The app was also available via Github, a website where developers from multiple projects post open source code but the entry for Terrarium TV has been pulled from a number of entries the hub as well though it can still be found. This could very well mean the end of the Android app at least as far as new development. While there appear to be a number of websites that promote Terrarum TV without cooperation from the original developer it is not likely that development will be picked up by anybody else.

This screen capture from Github shows that TerrarumTV is not found on the server.

Studios are beginning to take the fight to the distributors of their material and they have the resources to really make life tough for the people who are sharing their content via links to servers. While the website and app owners seem to use a sort of degree of separation defense often posting statements like “______ does not host any content….” it is obvious that the apps, which are often ad-supported profit from the distribution of the links. The distributors are starting to see that not only can these content companies find them, the studious will name them as they did with Adam Lackman, of TV Addons.

So don’t count on finding TerrariumTV’s website up and running anytime soon. Do you think Piracy on its way out?Sign in to Disgus with your facebook Let us know below!


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