Where To Stream The Rest Of The Batman Movies

Alright, so you saw the new Batman movie, or The Batman. While the name implies that it is the quintessential version of the movie we longtime fans all have our favs. So where can you catch the past itterations? Right now you don’t have to look too many places.

Keep in mind, this article is accurate as of 3/6/2022. It will change for certain.

Michael Keaton and the gang

The 1990s Batman movies starting with Tim Burton’s Batman are available on HBO Max and Hulu. Be wary, the current film is considered a bit scary, but I have never recovered from Batman and Robin myself.

Nolands Universe

Right now Netflix is the home of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. But somehow there is no service streaming The Dark Knight Rises, it is only available as a rental at the moment.

Batman 1966

The Batman movie starring Adam West against a team of his most famous criminal opponents is only available to rent at the moment. But keep your eyes peeled. It often shows up on free services like The Roku Channel.

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