Why Won’t Pluto TV Load On My Roku?

Pluto TV Logo

Pluto TV has recently done its first major update in years. The update changes the interface drastically. The changes gives users a way to get to the content they want faster by making each genre a clickable section instead of a long listing of channels to scroll through. But for those of you who just got the update and are unable to sign in don’t worry. It’s not just you. Here is how you fix Pluto TV on Roku.


First take a look and see if you have the latest version of the channel. If it still looks like it always has you do not.

if you need to update, and you may as well bc it will eventually update itself here is what you do.

  1. Press the home button. It is the one that looks like a house on the remote
  2. Scroll to Settings on the left side of the screen and press the OK button
  3. Scroll to the option labeled System and press the OK button
  4. Scroll down to the option labeled System update and press the OK button.

This will update Pluto TV on your system. But now you might not be able to launch Pluto TV anymore. You might find that it starts to load and then returns to the home screen. Here is how you fix this.

  1. Use the cursor to find Pluto TV on your Roku. Do not press any buttons when you get to the channel just make sure it is selected with the selector frame around it. Whichever channel you have selected will also be listed over the upper left corner of your Roku screens channels.
  2. Press the star button on your remote.
  3. Select Remove channel.
  4. When prompted “are you sure you want to remove Weather Remove “Pluto TV”? Select remove and press the OK button.
  5. Go to search and type in Pluto TV.
  6. Select Pluto TV on the list and press the OK button.
  7. Select Add Channel and Press the OK button.

Once you are done you will be all set. Do keep in mind that Pluto TV will likely move to the bottom of your channel listings as though it is a brand new channel. To move it where you want it select the channel and press the * button and choose move channel.

3 thoughts on “Why Won’t Pluto TV Load On My Roku?

  1. Thank you soo much. Your directions worked Awesomely. Know I will check other TV”s to make sure they work right. SWEET!

  2. I followed your directions on loading Pluto on my roku and it still boots me out. Will this ever get fixed?

    1. Do you know how old your Roku is? Over the last few years I have seen a number of problems with older models when it comes to new power greedy apps.

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